WTH? How did I get here?

My story reads like science fiction or is it a fairy tale, without the Grimm’s drama and darkness, but where the fairy godmother waves her magic wand and grants all my wishes true.  So far it has been without any serious consequences, or are there?…..  ….. It is too soon to tell, it has just begun, this story of mine.  So as I blow a bit of fairy dust, or is it star dust, off my shoulders, let me catch you up on my story as of yet….

~ I am inspired to write ROAR! on Saturday, May 21, 2010 at 1:00am
~ An author/friend, Jack Armstrong, tells me I need to share ROAR! on Facebook.  I do on Sunday, May 23, 2010 at 5:29pm
~ ROAR! goes viral/international in a few weeks
~ ROAR! is published on multiple sites
~ ROAR! is acted out on stage in Canada/ used as a closing ceremony for a women’s workshop
~ ROAR! is used as a topic of discussion for multiple women groups
~ Francine Raften, Portland radio/TV veteran, approaches me with concept of ROAR! being a radio show on Wednesday, July 21st at 8:00pm
~ I attend my first Earth2World Party, meet founder Trudi Morrison and other potential show hosts on Monday, August 2, 5:30pm
~ I finally agree, via emails, Yes, ROAR! should be a radio show on Earth2World.com, on Monday, February 17, at 7:09pm
~ First sampling of ROAR! the show taped at Earth2World on Tuesday, February 18, 2:00pm
~ First full hour show of ROAR! taped at E2W’s studio on Thursday, February 28, 10:00am
~ ROAR!’s Facebook page and Blog created Tuesday, March 1
~ Earth2World and ROAR! (plus eight other shows) Launch on Thursday, March 3rd, 6:00pm

All this in only nine months!!!  WTHeck? How did I get here?  What does it mean? Who will I become?
My head is spinning, my gut is in knots, and I need to remind myself to breathe.  Literally, Breathe! 

So I decided to create this blog, “ROAR! with Cinda” to help me with two things: document my story as it unfolds, and to help me process what is happening (hopefully relieving me of some pent up nerves with the processing), but to be honest, I really want to share this journey with my family, my friends, and (is it fair yet to say) my fans.

After every taping or live show of ROAR!, my goal is to write about what took place during that event.  What did I experience, what behind the scenes events took place that I don’t want to forget, or things my followers might find entertaining to know?  I want to write about what I learned from the guests on the show, what emotions I experienced, and how it may have changed me.  I, also, want a place where I can thank the guests and the small audience who made an effort to come and participate, and encourage them to visit this blog and make comments of their own.

BUT, if I could wave my own magic wand and sprinkle some fairy dust upon this blog, as well as ROAR!’s Facebook site, and ROAR!’s Earth2World’s page, is that a community of fans, followers, guests, and experts all come together to share their own ROAR! story, personal experience, and supportive advice.  My wish is that this community will offer support to people who know they need to ROAR! but do not know how or are too afraid.  And, to come up with other show ideas for ROAR!, based on the needs of the community.  So let’s start a conversation…..

If you believe in magic, and trust me I DO, this site, this show, will not be about me, it will be about us, the ROAR! of the community.  There is a whisper coming on, a conversation which is beginning, a need to make a difference, and a desire to ROAR!  You are not alone, we will rise up together, united as one force.  I ask you now, do you feel it?     


  1. Don’t you mean, WTF? You know I believe in magic; thanks for holding the wand over all of us and sprinkling your dust (sparkly visual) to make our world a better place. You have managed to put into words so beautifully something that is almost impossible to describe. You remind us all who feel IT; we can do something and we are not helpless if we stand united. Its time, my friend, its time!

  2. Dorie, you are so funny (and you know me too well)!! Your words warm my heart! I am so glad, relieved and thrilled that you are here and that you are my first visitor to my blog. How PERFECT is THAT!!!! Thank you!

    March 9, 2011 8:10 AM

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