Life Observations by Andy Palmer

I would like to share with you the wise and wonderful “Life Observations” letter written to me from my beloved Cousin Andy Palmer.  She captures in such a simple way, the differences of women and men not only physically, but also within our own being – and yet how beautifully we can coexist.

Dear Cinda,
May I add another of my Life Observations (I should write a book with that title!), which is that this womanliness (that you’re seeing in me, and that we all share) is something that always needs an outlet.  For the male world in which I’ve worked, it is either a tool that can be utilized (and as such, is sometimes challenged by one’s moral compass!), or a liability that must be adapted to a different manner of expression in order to help keep any Neanderthals on a path of successful evolution themselves.  But in the non-working world of family and friends, this female ‘outlet’ is completely natural, and only varies in expression by our individual personalities.
What I most appreciate about our women’s group is that I can let the ‘heart parts’ lead.  The brain will always follow, but the path is toward compassionate discussion rather than the efficiency of it.  We women get to be messy all over each other… because real women don’t judge.  We love quite openly:  therefore we heal.  Men don’t often understand that.  And I don’t require it of them.  Most often their form of caring and seeking resolution comes from effective listening, analysis, and having an action plan… which doesn’t always work.  Just as the way we sweep up or walk past our own messes doesn’t always work either.  But when we love each other, regardless of how it’s expressed, we have united with unselfishness and become ego free.  I believe that is what allows us to be successful as men and women… and able to cross over and be successful in either world!!
This brings me to another thing that I love about YOU…. I get to write out this kind of stuff to someone who, I think, is interested in hearing it!!!
Your lovely and ohh soo wordy Cousin 😉  Andy Palmer

1 Comment

  1. Andy Palmer is my amazing cousin. She is wise beyond her years. Even though this was first published in my blog, I had to share it here. It is imperative that we as women embrace both sides of the Feminine and the Masculine, just as it is imperative that men do the same. As we women stand up and give voice to our truth, we are not trying to rule over men, but we are trying to balance out the inequity in the world as well as in ourselves. Thank you Andy for sharing your heart, Cinda

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