Authenticity in Relationships

Ameera in MauiI seem to be surrounded by and holding space for many women who are learning to be authentic in relationships that are no longer of their Highest and most Divine.  Mothers, empty nesters and women who are answering a calling from their soul to move into a higher purpose of teaching, community, and an authentic empowered life that no longer includes a male partner, and sometimes, a family.

I am blessed to bear witness to their growth and courage to listen to the Wise Women inside and answer the calling of their soul to let go, and find the truth within.  This journey is not with out its trade offs, and it often not understood by others.  I am familiar with this journey because it has been mine as well.

It takes great courage to open our throat Chakras and speak our truths to those around us.  It takes a women ready to say “no more’ and embrace her Goddess-ness with open arms and heart.

This is what makes me ROAR!

Oceans of Love Ameera Beth

1 Comment

  1. Ameera, I love, love, love how you have found your mission, or should we say, how your mission found you! When we step into our power, there is no doubt that others are attracted to that light, that energy, that grace. Every woman (and man) who finds their way to you, is lucky to have your guidance and support. Keep ROAR!ing girlfriend, keep ROAR!ing I can hear you all the way over here! Cinda

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