#10 Issue of WSM – Article: “Sole, Soul, Soul’s Purpose”


#10 Issue. Theme: 30 Days of Beauty My article is titled: "Sole, Soul, Soul's Purpose" Where I talk about evolution of the person and the soul being one.  I love writing this one, Cinda

#10 Issue of Wild Sister Magazine.

Theme: 30 Days of Beauty.

My article is titled: “Sole, Soul, Soul’s Purpose”.  Here I talk about the evolution of the person and the soul being one. I loved writing this one, Cinda

Jen Saunders, founder of WSM, before Wild Sister began, had asked me to participate in a program she created called 30 Days of Beauty.  Her goal was to raise funds and awareness of self esteem in girls for a suicide hotline.  She exceeded her goal!

In addition to the article, Jen asked writers from around the world to contributle a short essay on “What is the YOU in BeaYOUtiful?”  Here is my contribution (which is also in this issue):

“I am BeaYOUtiful because I am aware that my Spirit side is alive within me, ALWAYS. When I tap into my Spirit, I tap into an energy of love source more powerful and more important than me, because it is connected to YOU.”  Cinda

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